Using React Query hooks for data from Convex

TanStack Start apps can use React Query (TanStack Query for React) hooks to take advantage of React Query's excellent Start integration. Convex queries are exposed through query options factories like convexQuery().

Instead of React Query's standard interval and activity-based polling and manual invalidation, updates are streamed down WebSocket to update the Query Cache directly for live, always-up-to-date results.

Open this page in another tab or on your phone and send a message or to see these updates pushed live.

User 83171/6/25, 4:36 AM

hi Jamie! how was your weekend?

User 83171/6/25, 4:35 AM

hello Nipunn... what's your favorite ice cream place?

User 83171/6/25, 4:35 AM

hi James; how was your weekend?

User 97812/27/24, 2:05 PM

hello James... how was your weekend?

User 21412/27/24, 2:05 PM

hey James! I'll be late to make the meeting tomorrow morning

User 92412/27/24, 2:05 PM

hello Nipunn, I'll be late to make the meeting tomorrow morning

User 2212/27/24, 2:05 PM

Hi Jamie... what's your favorite ice cream place?

User 6112/27/24, 2:05 PM

Hi Jamie, how's the weather in SF?

User 16612/27/24, 2:05 PM

hello Jamie, Could you let the customer know we've fixed their issue?

User 64712/27/24, 2:05 PM

hey Emma! I'll be late to make the meeting tomorrow morning

User 43212/27/24, 2:05 PM

hello Nipunn! how was your weekend?

User 31812/27/24, 2:05 PM

hey Jamie- I'll be late to make the meeting tomorrow morning

User 38812/27/24, 2:05 PM

hi James... how was your weekend?

User 60112/27/24, 2:05 PM

Hi Emma! how was your weekend?

User 31112/27/24, 2:05 PM

Hi Emma... how was your weekend?

User 32012/27/24, 2:05 PM

hello Emma, how was your weekend?

User 78812/27/24, 2:05 PM

hey James; Could you let the customer know we've fixed their issue?

User 7212/27/24, 2:04 PM

hey Nipunn... how's the weather in SF?

User 65812/27/24, 2:04 PM

hello Nipunn... what's your favorite ice cream place?

User 71112/27/24, 2:04 PM

hey Nipunn; I'll be late to make the meeting tomorrow morning

1import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
2import { convexQuery } from "@convex-dev/react-query";
3import { api } from "../convex/_generated/api";
5const messagesQuery = convexQuery(
6 api.messages.listMessages,
7 { channel: "chatty" }
10// inside a React component
11const { data, isPending } = useQuery(messagesQuery);
13// in an event handler, useEffect, or loader
16// adding more query options to convexQuery()
17const { data } = useQuery({
18 ...convexQuery(api.messages.listMessages, {}),
19 initialData: [],
20 gcTime: 10000,

Already used Convex React hooks?

If you've used Convex React hooks React Query hooks are going to familiar. Instead of returning the data directly, this useQuery() returns an object with a .data property along with other metadata. The hook accepts a single object, which you'll mostly populate with the return value of the convexQuery()hook.

The same React Query hooks can be used for fetch endpoints and Convex actions for standard interval or activity-based polling while Convex queries benefit from the live update behavior.

What does this give you? It's not just the often-asked-for isLoading and error properties or simple interop with other server endpoints or introspection from the TanStack Query devtools. It's React Query's Router integration with the TanStack Start providing things like server-side rendering and live updating queries in a single hook.

Learn More

TanStack Query (AKA React Query) docs

Using TanStack Query with Convex

The @convex-dev/react-query library links the TanStack Query Client with the Convex client